
Whoo! This is the page for random stuff-- and WHO DOES NOT LOVE RANDOM STUFF?

Jackie Chan is Chinese! Jackie Chan rukes! Born Chan Kong-Sang, he attended the China Drama Academy as a child and started doing movies as a stuntperson at an early age. Bwa, enough about his history, he's just COOL, EH! He also has an animated series called Jackie Chan Adventures that can be seen on Kids' WB! And it's awesome!! Hooray! I've seen his most recent movie (Rush Hour 2) four times in the theatre already-- that's how good it is. If you don't like Jackie Chan, you're a deviant.

All right, it's original artwork! Click here to see a picture I drew of me and my buddy Hans as Chinese communists!

Blargh, even though a miscellaneous page is a good place to rant, I can't think of anything to rant about. Here, look at this picture:

It's the Chinese women's army. Aren't their uniforms a bit... overly cute?

Okay, I guess that's enough randomness O_O() I'm really tired right now.

Site and contents ©2001 Rachel R***** unless otherwise specified. Best viewed in 800x600 resolution or greater with 16 million colour display. Graphics composed in Paint Shop Pro 6.0.