Chloroplasma.  IT IS FUN!
part of a dragonfly.

Angel Smile

I remember your eyes.
I remember the way they beckoned-- the way they drowned me--
The gentle warm undulations-- and the heartfelt tears--
The tears from the bottom of your heart
However deep your heart goes
You could cry for the planet. You did not cry for people--
But the last time you were there
I can remember. No tears.
Not from you--
Just the way you planned it, wasn't it? Everything always perfect for you
Eyes-- the windows to the soul. Mine are broken, yours veiled--
All of your soul I saw in your eyes was that laughter
Not the idle vindictive blaze.
The sweet angel glitter when you smiled--
What were you praying for that last day? Sweet angel--
Eyes I dare not meet in dreams, your soft loving eyes
And behind them which I cannot see
Is the lie
You with your gentle eyes and caring hands healing a planet, dying for a planet
And your eyes for a moment unshrouded as you let him die--
I thought I would see grief
And I thought that you would care for a person if you cared for a planet.
But I saw that laughter--
I saw the idle blaze
I saw it reflected in the shards of my eyes
The windows-- my soul laid bare to you
And I accepted it, because you were
you were my sweet perfect angel
You were the one above humanity, and I--
I don't know if I loved you
I hope I didn't--
It always hurts, the truth.
I knew that--
I just didn't
I didn't know how much
Sweet angel--
Your eyes clouded in a shroud eternal
You saved the planet
And you let us die

curly thing.
one's hair on trees and one's hair on people.