Yikes! I hope you were relatively healthy immediately after pulverizing Boomer, because you're not getting a break. You can look at Boomer if you want armor and weapons, not that it'll do you much good at this point. Concentrate on the eyes, one at a time. Once one eye is out of commission, attack the other......when they're both gone, relentlessly bash Exor. Don't stop to heal yourself unless it's an emergency, because you're not gonna have much time. Even though you focus on one eye at a time, Geno's Blast and Flash are good too, so that eventually you'll defeat Neosquid (who names their mouth??) without having to waste a turn on him that you could be using on Exor or the Evil Eyes. Rock Candy and most bombs are a good idea too. Do not attack Exor at all unless both Eyes are temporarily down or your attack is hitting everyone. Interestingly enough, Exor or Smithy in this form is a sword, but technically, his face does all the attacking. He'd be just as harmful but not as intimidating if he were a cabbage.