Supper is good for you!! But I ate too much at supper. Two helpings each of glazed carrots and broccoli, two biscuits, a pork chop, and a bowl of salad. But they were all so delicious. Broccoli is my nicest one. AND I EVEN HAD SOME ICE CREAM FOR DESSERT AFTERWARDS TOO. I am so fat now! Tee hee! For like a long time, I was in various stages of effort at "trying to lose weight," but recently I decided to just start trying to be happy with myself how I am. I've never been successful at losing weight no matter what kinds of wacky stuff I try, and I'll just make myself sad if I won't eat yummy food. So I'll make an effort if I gain like twenty pounds or something. But for now, I think I'm okay.
I put swears in my last entry. :o I'm sorry, I had angst. I'd edit them out but I have CONVICTIONS@!2 I also did the thing where it has = instead of =/ because I forgot about how I have to do the slashy thing the other way. I don't feel like editing those either.
How do you like your new layout? I had a lot of fun making it. I don't know, I just got tired of Escad. He was so plain. I mean, I made it that way on purpose, but... ... I don't know, I'm not sure I was ever fully satisfied with that layout. And THIS TIME, you finally get real scrollbars. Please send me a dollar for all the extra work I did implementing that for you. (Yes, a normal scrollbar rather than onmouseover IS quite a bit of extra work because I have to make some allowance for people having their scrollbars set to weird sizes in Windows, and it's sort of external to the whole HTML/CSS process, and it meant that I had to use an IFRAME instead of just a bunch of groovy layers, which I have been up to lately. Basically, it takes away a Key Element of Web Design Control when you're making little layouts like this that DO need to be able to scroll in some fashion, so I had to learn a bunch of new tricks in order to reassert my iron will on the forces of Scrollbar. And nobody cares.) I also sort of made a new Chloroplasma layout, but don't look for that one anytime soon XP I have sooo much work to do on Chloroplasma and the main site that it's scary. OOH! Scary.
Speaking of scary, isn't Jack Skellington sexy? Seriously, I am very attracted to him. ... Don't look at me that way.
Scurlock is insane and demanding, even more so around UIL competition time. And our songs this year were ALL HARD, and she decided to also take the girls from Chamber choir as their own varsity women's choir and the same for the guys as a varsity men's choir, which meant all these extra rehearsals so we could learn THAT music. And she didn't teach us songs like she normally does. I don't know, there wasn't so much actual NOTE and RHYTHM teaching as there was complaint about the sound and how we never listen and etc. etc. Like, last week Mrs. Davis made a comment that the altos hadn't been doing this one thing right, and Scurlock goes "It doesn't matter, I've TOLD them a hundred times" .. and she seriously had never told us. At all, even once. I think she's losing it. She always takes on waaaay too much... it's like, she already had a little too much, I think, last year, with the choir program all bloated and chamber choir all freaking enormous, and this year she ALSO ran for and won the office of vocal vice president of TMEA. I was happy for her, but... why is she looking for more work? She is not holding up very well under the strain of what work she already had, as far as I can tell. Urgle. Mum thinks maybe something's going on in her life that makes her want to bury herself in work so she won't have to deal with whatever else... so that's a theory. Still, it isn't really fair to herself or to her students.
BUT UIL! We finally got to the point where we did not suck. And that was right in time for the competition. So hurray. Now, UIL contest was Thursday and Friday (nonvarsity choirs on Thursday and varsity on Friday, I think), but Latin contest was Friday and Saturday, and prom was Saturday night. Now, prom is on the same weekend as Latin state like EVERY year, so they just rented a van to take the prom kids home early from Latin. But since Latin was all the way in Houston and the bus for it usually leaves like before school.. we had a problem re: Latin and Choir. If they overlapped and the Latin kids couldn't do the choir thing, she would have lost six voices which she didn't want to go perform without. (Of course, later it turned out to be only four people, but four IMPORTANT PEOPLE! Including me because I'm IMPORTANT. yeah.) So our men's and women's choirs went on Thursday and mixed went on Friday morning first thing; then, after we finished singing (around 9.30 or 9.45 or so) we would go to the Wal-Mart parking lot for breakfast (you can go to Chick-fil-A, Las Palapas, Whataburger, and some other place from there). The deal with the Latin peeps was that the bus would pick us up from the Wal-Mart parking lot (and WAIT FOR US) and we'd all go up together.
Now, things didn't entirely go as planned because one of our sight-reading judges got LOST and was 45 minutes late. Disgruntle ensued. But we finished and left and I went and changed out of my choir dress in the Chick-fil-A bathroom gonna eat me a chicken biscuit and ride da bus to Houston. And then Kim comes in (my Latin/chamber choir cohort) and goes "they left without us." And I was like ".. what?" and she was like "The Latin bus left without us." And I was like ".... .... .... "
The thing was, they NEVER gave us a concrete time like "we'll be there at 10.15 and we have to leave by 10.30" or anything. They just said they would WAIT FOR US. It seems that the bus driver scared Mrs. Bickley by saying that it took four hours to drive to Houston (it really only takes about three) so she got antsy and they just left. Now, we STILL got to go, but we had to drive up with Mrs. Gaitley (creepy assistant principal) in a van. And the bus ride is like the FUNNEST PART! AAARGH. Also, we ordered our food around 10.15, and Chick-fil-A officially serves breakfast until 10.30. But they said they ran out or something so they wouldn't serve us breakfast. GRRRRR. So Jamie and I ordered lunch instead and value-sized it. At first they forgot to give us our drinks entirely, and then we were just standing there and the guy is like "... can I help you?" and I was like "We're waiting for our drinks" and then he finally got them but the thing was we ordered value-size, which means we get large drinks, but he only got medium cups and started filling them up. And I was like "We ordered value-size. We should get large drinks." And he goes "Really? I'm not so sure about that." And Jamie and I both thought he was just joking and being dumb, but he SERIOUSLY ONLY GAVE US MEDIUM. Then we complained a little and he said that Jamie hadn't ever said to value size them, only she DID, and then he said we hadn't paid for value size. Well that's nice, you didn't give us a receipt so HOW DO WE KNOW WHETHER WE PAID FOR IT OR NOT. So not only did I not get to ride the bus, I didn't get to eat a chicken biscuit, and I only got a medium Dr Pepper. I mean, it was still okay because I was eating at Chick-fil-A at all, but... yeah, the day kind of sucked at that point. Later I got over it. We ended up, in our little van, catching up to the bus at some place, so we rode the rest of the way there and saw part of Spider-Man. Yup, James Franco is still cute.
While in the van, I was reading this book about the Roman emperors for Decathlon (which is Super Ultimate Academic Test-- it combines vocabulary, derivatives, reading comprehension, grammar, mythology, Roman history, Roman literature... and stuff) but I accidentally left it there when I got on the bus. So instead I read the Metamorphosis, by Franz Kafka. IT WAS SO GREAT!! I felt really sad after I read it. ;_; But it was GREAT! I think the critique and commentary in the back was sort of ... well, painfully obvious in some points, and I didn't agree with it in others, but whatever, it's just commentary. Anyway, if you have never done so, read the Metamorphosis. It takes like forty-five minutes to read. *shrug*
Yeah. So I left early, for prom and stuff, after I did Decathlon and stuff on Saturday. I didn't know for a long time how I did, but today I found out that I got 2nd in Sight Rec and that I placed in Decathlon, but Kim doesn't remember what place, but she doesn't think I beat Cooper (who got 7th). Curses! I really wanted to beat him. Also, Cooper is utterly useless because I asked him about it last night and he said he got 7th and then first in Derivatives and my school got sixth in sweeps but he "didn't remember hearing my name," which is unnerving. OH, WELL. Bluh. I guess the only solution now is to redouble my studying efforts to REALLY win Decathlon at Nationals (in this case win == beat Cooper) to show him how USELESS he is!... that was actually the plan from area (where he got first and I got second) to State, but that didn't quite work out. Hmm. But I AM going to nationals this year, since it's being held in San Antonio anyway. Ah, Cooper is a great guy. But the worst thing is that HE doesn't care about competing with me (maybe because the jackass always wins)... so it's only me being weird about it. I guess that makes me Yukino, except I'm already friends with him and I don't plan to fall in love with him ;P Well, I still don't know FOR CERTAIN that I lost to him at State. I'll find out tomorrow-- Mrs. Bickley will know. Still, it seems strange that I could get that low unless everyone else was radically smarter this year than they've been in other years, because taking practice tests from previous years and comparing my scores to the winners that year, the lowest I ever ended up with was fifth, and I usually had first or second... bah. And I STUDIED! I mean, really! I didn't study in 9th grade and I freakin' won first place. Bleh. It's not that big a deal, there's a scholarship associated with it that I wanted, but it wouldn't really make much of a dent.
Prom! My dress was very pretty, it was lavender-blue that sort of faded to deeper blue in some places and it was sparkly. And I got my shoes at this one place that had a lot of really cute shoes. And I don't want to type up my whole prom experience again, so I'll just cut and paste my account of it to Squizzle starting... wait for it.. NOW!
Me: At first I was like "urgh" because Stanton a) showed up late to my house-- we were supposed to meet at Jamie's house at 6 and then go to supper-- but I called him at 5.15 and he said "I'll be there in 15 minutes" and it only takes like ten minutes to get to Jamie's house and plus I wasn't ready for him to show up at 5.30...
Me: So I was like "no, no, not fifteen minutes. A half hour." and he was like "kay"
Me: But he misunderstood that to mean that I wanted him to LEAVE HIS HOUSE in a half-hour.. so he actually showed up in a little over forty-five minutes.
Me: And then he didn't know how to get to Jamie's house, so I was irritated that he hadn't gotten directions, but then he said he had asked her for them, but she told him I knew how to get to her house. CRIPES, Jamie! I don't DRIVE! I know how to give directions to my house, and that's the freaking limit.
Me: Plus, I have no sense of direction. I get lost in large closets.
Me: But anyway, I knew it was a gated community and it was on Redland, so we drove around on Redland and went into a gated community but then it was actually Kat's neighbourhood, not Jamie's. And then the street seemed to end so we were like WTF. And we tried to call Jamie but her cell phone wasn't on and her home phone was off the hook.
Me: So we called home and got directions or something. And it turns out Redland continued on the other side of the highway, so we got there, but we were like 45 minutes late for being there at 6, so we didn't get to take pictures with everyone. Then we left to go to Paesano's and Stanton was like, not paying attention and almost hit this one girl when he was turning the corner... he was *really* nervous, which I didn't quite understand, because he's not secretly in love with me, seeing as he's gay.
Me: And then we were following somebody and then Stanton's semi-boyfriend called and Stanton answered it and...
Me: ... he had a brief conversation with him that caused him to get distracted enough to take a wrong turn following the other people. So once again, we were lost.
Me: But after we FINALLY got to the restaurant, it was all good.
Me: I definitely need copies of Jamie's pictures, too. She's GORGEOUS! And Kat was actually in a dress, and she looked GOOD. And... yeah.
Me: I don't feel like narrating my experience directly any further, so that last digression there is your conclusion.
Squizzle: Neato.
For real, folks. I actually cut some stuff out because it was stuff like when IRC cut off my text and whatever. More on Paesano's: their broccoli was delicious.