17 Dec 01

First thing: I am not giving up, I am RESTING.

I really hate something a LOT. I don't hate my scanner because it's been scanning things beautifully for me for like four years, I don't hate my computer because without it I would be sad, and I don't hate the scanner software because it lets me use the scanner.... but I HATE THE WAY THEY ALL COME TOGETHER. Okay so like.... we've three computers. One of them is old like from 1994, and Dad uses that one for work and stuff. It's his. And then there's this one, which is from.... like.... whoa, like four years ago? O_O() I didn't know it was so old. Well, anyway, this one's mine. And we have a new one that AnJa was going to take away to college but mum liked it so much she kept it and so that one's hers and AnJa got a laptop. BUT ANYWAY, we all have our own computer. It wasn't always like this. For instance, when I got the scanner, the only computer we all used was the 1994 one. So, the scanner has always been hooked into that one. But this was kind of strange because I'd be on my computer and then I'd go turn on Dad's and scan something and save it to the network and then turn his computer back off and come do stuff with it. So I decided to install the scanner on this computer instead. But it doesn't work and I don't know why and I've tried everything like five times and I hate it and it makes me cry. And dad says I broke the cardinal rule of computers: it worked, and I changed it. *weeeeeep* It's true, but what can I do now? I could hook the scanner back into dad's computer and fix it and everything would work again... BUT THAT WOULD BE GIVING UP AND I REFUSE TO LET THIS STUPID WHATEVER IT IS THAT I HATE DEFEAT ME!!!! I was also thinkin' about that, you know, not being a person who gives up. Some qualities are stuff you're just born with, but some qualities you have to do yourself. It sounds strange, but listen, yo: I mean, you can be the type of person who doesn't give up, but you have to consciously not give up. I know that's all "duh" and stuff, but it's true. O_O() You're not born with not-giving-up, you have to do it yourself. But anyway, I'm not giving up. I'M RESTING

Today Soundsations sang at HEB. And afterward Scur let us go out to eat for lunch! w00t! In the same parking lot there's a Quizno's and a Taco Cabana. GUESS WHERE I WENT. Only STUPID people who AREN'T COOL go to Quizno's instead of Taco Cabana =O But see, I thought I had $4, only it turns out I had only $2, plus enough quarters to make $3. And I lent it to Kim because she lost her Santa hat and had to buy another one at HEB before we performed ^^() It's so cheap. It's like... felt... o_o and it cost ninety-nine cents. XD() But anyway, I didn't have enough to buy food at Taco Cabana, and Rico I was all like "I'll pay for it all" and he paid for mine and Greg's and Rico II's. And then me and Greg were all, "how much do we owe you?" and he was like "don't worry about it, you don't have to pay me back." But then we felt bad because I got a 32 oz. drink instead of smaller, and Greg got a big plate of food that cost like $4. So when we were eating, Greg was like "Can I see your taco for a second?" and he stuffed $4 into Rico's taco XD and then Rico opened it up and was like "O_O THERE'S MONEY IN MY TACO!!!" and he didn't make the connexion. It was sooo funny. Of course Greg couldn't tell him, because then he'd probably give the money back O_O So Rico thinks that some psycho Taco Cabana employee gave him money ^^() Either that or he knew all along and said nothing O_O But who knows, EH!

I put in my application at Barnes & Noble. PLEASE HIRE ME QUICKLY, I THEE ADJURE

Whee! It's fun to write journal entries in quick succession because there's not as much stuff I have to try to remember. Hee hee hee. I only have to start with Sunday!! I was in Austin for my Gracie's sixth birthday. Wheeee!! Grace is like a miniature version of me. She seriously is exactly like I was at her age, only she might be more outgoing.

I can't think of anything else to say that's interesting, so I'm gonna stop O_O

(x-1, x)    (-infinity, infinity)    (x, x+1)