Shorty Blackwell
So I dig the name! This is Shorty. She's a hippie chick who used to live on a sheep farm in England. Starlight Mountain
Shorty Blackwell New
A much less ugly picture of Shorty O_o Drawn much later, and of course, not CG like the first. Starlight Mountain
It's Inji! She's actually an illegal immigrant from another planet but poses as an illegal immigrant from India.
Starlight Mountain
Inji New
I drew this because I thought the old Inji was bad (don't know why, I think it's cute now), but it was so ugly I never put it on the website.
Starlight Mountain
Funky K New
It's Funky K! She's the proprietor of the Whacked Ferret and talks to the animals, y'dig? I lost the old picture of her and I'm so sad. If anyone for some reason has the old Funky and Flash on their HDs or knows where to find them, PLEASE send them to me!!!
Starlight Mountain
Flash Johnson New
Flash Johnson. Woo-hoo. Yeah, he looks like the Fonz, or something, but that's what his profile said he wore, so...
Starlight Mountain
Jonny Teleka
I worked really hard on making the flannel pattern for his shirt! Yeah, so, this is Jonny, and he has a computer store or something, and he's a good boy. Starlight Mountain
Dr. Brad Andonuts
It's a mad scientist with Beethoven hair. Gotta love it. Starlight Mountain
Optimus (TX-390)
Dr. Brad's robotic assistant. Isn't he cuuuuute?! Starlight Mountain
Sister Pink
So she's also in GH, but see, the picture of her there was never used for SM, and this one was never used for GH (I don't think)... well, actually, it was, but it was here first, so fah. Starlight Mountain
Lumnore! He has a trident and wears a cape, isn't he hot?! Well, whatever. Starlight Mountain
Jackie Summers
Shelly Davens' character before she went to jail for cussing out a cop. She was an interesting girl. Anyway, this is Jackie and she's athletic. Starlight Mountain
Ummm... it's Shorty's talking computer. Don't ask questions. Starlight Mountain
Hip Travis
She's so cute! She has a Bubble Room and likes Biology and is very friendly. Starlight Mountain
Kefritirity Snortenfrazzel
This is Kef, she's an annoying alien who moved to SM because a slug was trying to eat her head... but doesn't she look adorable? Starlight Mountain
Aurora Electrum
She was never in the story, but she's a sixth grader, right? If her face hadn't ended up completely misshapen, it would have been quite nice. Starlight Mountain
Jocksley Jones
This guy never actually joined for real, but I drew a picture of him, so here you go. Starlight Mountain
Willow Flower
It's Willow! She also is in GH but she was here first. Foxie wanted me to draw a new picture for her because this one looks old, but it's just so precious!!! I mean, it's weird, but the worse my pictures are, the cuter I find them... Starlight Mountain
Foxie Sparkles
The hair looks good on this one, except for the bangs. Nothing else looks good ;o Anyway, Foxie's a chick who's half fox and stuff. Garden Hills/ Dragon Forest
Sosumi Komato
Yay. It's Sosumi-chan. She's fishing. Sosumi's a chick who fishes and stuff. Garden Hills/ Dragon Forest
Sosumi Komato New
New pic! I actually don't like this one too much better than the old one, but at least her outfit looks Japanese instead of Chinese this time. As you see, she's been catching fish a different way. Garden Hills/ Dragon Forest
Jaxon Firestorm
It's an old picture but it still hasn't started to suck. Isn't that nice? Jaxon's a dude who flirts or something. He has a cool shirt. Garden Hills/ Dragon Forest
Scarletecia Tonberry
What a great surname! I like her outfit and her hair's passable, but she looks... swollen or something in her face O_o Anyway, she's rich and snobby, and now has a sparkly pocketbook. Garden Hills/ Dragon Forest
Saffron Kindumiel
Slimu taught me the word "utsukushii" when he saw this picture. ^_^ Dunno why though cos it's ugly. ;p Saffron likes to wander around in the forest and is currently dead. *heh heh* Garden Hills/ Dragon Forest
Saffron Half
No, I do not understand the filename I gave this... This is probably the cutest Saffron I've drawn, and in some ways I like it better than the current picture, but I never finished it and her headband looks screwy. Garden Hills/ Dragon Forest
Saffron Kindumiel New
She looks like a female version of Ryouga, but hey, that's a good thing. The first Saffron didn't have enough hair and this one probably has too much... but I like the bandanna and outfit. Garden Hills/ Dragon Forest
Sister Pink
The upper body is deformed but the legs and head are nice, aren't they? Pink is... a girl with pink hair. She's friendly. That's not code for anything. Garden Hills/ Dragon Forest
Shade Twylite
This picture is pretty much bad, but his left eye sure looks great. That's cos I inked it with Slimu's pen ;o Shade's a sullen and displeased kind of chappy who likes Saffron but has no people skills. Garden Hills/ Dragon Forest
Shade Twylite New
The hand-in-hair thing was a good idea, but it didn't come out much well-ish. Again with the too much hair... but the rest is passable. And anyway, Shade had too much hair in the first pic too. Garden Hills/ Dragon Forest
She's the dream-giver. This is probably my fav GH picture. Nice staff and all. We made Blynken evil ;o No hard feelings, no hard feelings! Garden Hills/ Dragon Forest

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