It's the first scanned pic I coloured!   It's an illustration for one of my SF64 fanfics, A Stone Drag.  Star Fox 64
Posing Katt
...guess.  Star Fox 64
The illustration for my first ever fanfic, Once More, With Feeling.  It's Katt's ship flying over the oceans of Zoness.  I can't draw mechanical things, but the reflection effects are all right, aren't they?  Well, bah.  Star Fox 64
Cover sheet
The cover sheet/ logo for the aforementioned fic.  I took the profile from a bad picture of Katt I drew, and I'm so sad because I lost it. I wish I still had all my bad drawings!  Star Fox 64
Rain Mirage
This is the modified Arwing of Saundra P. Thorkelson, whom you've seen if you looked at the original artwork.  I used a ruler to draw it from a picture in Nintendo Power and then did flood fill with a pattern I made ;o  Star Fox 64
A Stone Drag
The piccle-only version of the logo for A Stone Drag, my longest SF fic.  It could be woise.  Star Fox 64
Fara Phoenix
I was jealous of Mary Beth so I decided to try and do a picture in coloured pencils ;o  Well, at least it's kind of cute... in a... strange... way...  Star Fox 64
Happy Birthday, Fara!
It's a picture I drew for Fara's birthday.  ^_^  Star Fox 64
French Song
Well, I've another version of this piccle without Fox and Fara on it that was inspired by French Song, but I still named it French Song.  Star Fox 64/Monkees?
Star Fox Artists: Together We Will Draw
One of many "compilation" pics I did later on in my SF64 artistic career ;o  It's all the fan artists who were active at the time I made the piccle.  Star Fox 64 Fan Community
Star Fox 66
It's the Star Fox team in the late sixties ^_^  They're a ba-and.  It's the first picture I did with my own scanner!  Star Fox 64/Rainbow Room
The Uncanny X-Furs
It's my friends' SF64 avatars and a few other SF characters as the X-Men! Star Fox 64/X-Men
Young Katt and Aurelia
The title sucks, but actually I never truly gave this one a title, so I'm just naming it by its filename.  It's Katt Monroe and Aurelia Javensen (original chara) when they were together at school.  They're probably gossiping about someone, the little meany-heads.  Star Fox 64
Vixy Reinard
I tried to make it look kind of dreamy and ghostlike, but I had nothing resembling PSP mad skillz at the time ;o  Pretend it looks cool.  Star Fox 64
Falling Katt
I drew this after I watched Head O_o Star Fox 64
Silly Katt
This is terrifically ugly, even though I worked really hard on it. :D Star Fox 64
Silly Fox
Random drawing of Fox... O_o Back then I used navy blue instead of black for the outlines so that it wouldn't be a transparent gif, and I thought it looked neat... Star Fox 64
I don't know when I drew this, but I obviously had no idea what Fara looked like at the time... Star Fox 64
Lyssa Alleycat Monroe
It's a character picture I drew for somebody's SF avatar.  I thought it was kind of cute so I put it up.  Star Fox/Original
Ross Black
This dude wanted me to draw him after he saw my pictures of Silla and Landis for the SF64 sim.  He didn't like this pic though.   Poop.  Star Fox 64 Sim
Maverick Angus
I don't even remember where I met this guy, but he wanted me to draw him too, and I don't think he liked the pic too much either.  That's his problem though. Star Fox 64/Original
I drew this one basically because I thought Artemis sounded cool when she yelled "Yo-hai!" and I was trying to prove that I knew her gender (unlike Nintendo Power)  I mean, I love Artemis the cat to death, but ever since he showed up everyone thinks Artemis is a GUY'S name!  Bah... It was the first CG I'd done in a long time, and it shows ;o  Bomberman 64
That's Jessie as in AVALANCHE, as in FF7.  I really liked all the original members of AVALANCHE, specially Jessie, so I drew this piccle.  Did you know I once went to a web page where they thought she was a GUY?  O_o FF7
Silla Kisaragi
I copied the pose from my FF7 player's manual ;p  Don't I look good as Yuffie?  Final Fantasy VII
Escaped Jessie
This is Jessie after she miraculously escapes from under the plate, scanned off of my earth science notes.  I think this was supposed to go to that fic I never wrote...  Final Fantasy VII
Wendy O. Koopa
Her bow is completely freaked out (I forgot what bows looked like when I was drawing the picture, don't laugh at me, please!) and it's just sort of overall "off," but here you are.  Super Mario
Rocket Silla
It was the first picture I had drawn of myself in a very long time and afterward I decided I hated the way I had started drawing myself.  O_o  So here's the turning point, right here, folks.  Enjoy.  Pokemon/Original
The American Revolution, part I
I made this for an American History project; it's a comic about the American Revolution starring Team Rocket.  I got a bad grade on it though ;_;  So, for that matter, ignore all red pen marks ;o  Pokemon/American History ;p
The American Revolution, part II
The exciting conclusion.  Pokemon
Jessie Knows What She's Doing
We did these things called Discussion Directors in 8th grade in English class, and whenever I got bored I just drew pictures of Team Rocket in my notebook.  I showed this one to Zuki and she said "She looks like she knows what she's doing."  Pokemon

Kore wa MISUTAA KIPPAA desu.  Anoko wa ichiban da.

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