Baka Kevin .5
Me (left) and Zucchan (middle) taunt Baka Kevin (right) in concept art from the manga we plotted together specifically to mock Kevin and make a tribute to Ranma.
Charcoal Lady
I think this picture kind of sucks, but I did it with charcoal. So there!
Selfy Po
This is what I looked like in 7th grade. I drew it in 7th grade too. So. There it is.
Concept Page 1
I started drawing out part of Sibling Rivalry, an original manga. Platinum didn't have a name at this point and she looks like she has a beard ;o
Concept Page 2
Page 2. Shadowblade's name was Lightblade back then. And she still doesn't really have a true set in stone type name.
AnJa's special attack from a semi-manga we planned out together!
Sucky Clutch
Someone has angered AnJa! She clutches her weapon, a giant All-Day Sucker, and prepares to teach the offender a lesson in pain.
Sucky Broccoli
AnJa with her All-Day Sucker, me the way I drew myself for about two days, and a cute face.
The Industrial Revolution
In the style of the Team Rocket American Revolution, the Industrial Revolution, featuring more cameos than... something with a lot of cameos. I got a better grade on this one. ^_^
Made in Japan
It's a picture of Ai Ling back when her name was Acapulco Sun. O_o And she was going to be part Japanese instead of Chinese. And I coloured it with nail polish.
The girl from "Since it Must be So." I did the kanji on top with nail polish, the background in PSP, and the girl with watercolours and ink.
Dunno why I drew this, but it ended up becoming the yearbook cover for 8th grade and it freaked everyone out ;o
I made it for geometry class and for some odd reason scanned it and then was compelled to post it since I had scanned it.
Old Chloroplast
Very early character design for Sailor Chloroplast ^^()
Sailor Chloroplast and Sailor Cockroach
Actually, this one is even earlier than the previous O_o I like Sailor Cockroach's hair and her antennae, but that's about all I like about this picture ;o
Spotlight Rose
One of my last CGs and also one of the first decent ones. ;) It's a rose under a spotlight. *whooo*
The Good Earth Chapter I illustration
It's Shorty and her cat Jellylorum having a conversation. ::waves a flag::
The Good Earth Chapter II illustration
Inji meets Slimu underneath a horrifically badly drawn bench. (I forgot there was a bench when I drew the picture, then was too lazy to CG a decent one)
The Good Earth Chapter III illustration
Flash Johnson makes his entrance at the Whacked Ferret. Of course, his hairstyle and clothing changed almost as soon as I drew this, so the silhouette's not accurate ;o
The Good Earth Chapter IV illustration
Nistor P. Ocnecara, Drat of Security on Tseldonae! He crashed in the forest.
Lieutenant Holger
Yay, it's Holger! Everyone cheer for Holger! He's a Yaklett.
I made this for my binder cover right before 8th grade started. Isn't it coooool? It still is usually the back cover for my binder. The front cover is now a picture of Link I cut out from NP.
This is Hecate Hibiki, a wolf I played at the Alaskan RPG. She was the alpha of the Pack of Night. That was a really cool RPG while it lasted... I did some of my best writing there, but I didn't save any of it. ;_;
Here's a girl whose name I forgot. She's a jackal with the power to control states of matter and the weather. Very volatile, immature, cruel, all that good stuff.
This chap hasn't a name either, but that's not because I forgot it, it's because I never gave him one. He's a necromancer who kind of mentors the Thunderstorm girl... she has more power than he does, but he's a lot smarter so he can use his more effectively.
Baka Kevin .5 Revisited
Some more beautiful concept art from Baka Kevin .5 ^_^ The reason it's just now added is because Zuki had it since 8th grade and found it when she was moving and gave it to me and I scanned it =D

Kore wa MISUTAA KIPPAA desu.  Anoko wa ichiban da.

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