James Kirkpatrick
This is James and he's fruity, but isn't he cuuuute? (unlike CEROSE LIGHTNING... of course, that's my fault) We haven't established James's Kinsey rating yet, but you can draw your own conclusions. Garden Hills/ Dragon Forest
Frank Bijou
His last name means "beautiful woman" in Japanese and "jewel" in French. Frank's a dude who hasn't been in the story yet. He doesn't go to school too often and lives in the woods... for some reason this picture reminds me of my cousin Alex. Garden Hills/ Dragon Forest
Leo Zakaria
This is a farmer boy who likes Sosumi. I used Link and Joe Madureira's Cannonball as my basis. Cannonball used to be so hot when Joe drew him, but ever since then he's not anymore! It's tragic! Garden Hills/ Dragon Forest
Kathran Littlewolf
She's an orphan chick with a pet wolf. 'Nuff said. If you're wondering why her thumbnail just shows her knees, it's because I got bored making thumbnails. Garden Hills/ Dragon Forest
100% teeny-bopper. I struggled with this picture. ;o Plus I didn't know what the Hilfiger logo looked like so I had to find a picture online O_O Garden Hills/ Dragon Forest
Erik Ghent
He's an arrogant (get it?) surfer bum! Isn't he great? He and Shade don't get along, at least they aren't going to when they finally get put in the story. Garden Hills/ Dragon Forest
Cerose Lightning
Okay, okay, so I thought this character was totally not hetero, and I didn't shade the picture, and it's generally very bad, but at least I sort of attempted to give him good hair even if it didn't come out. Well, REALLY! His name is "Cerose Lightning"! Garden Hills/ Dragon Forest
Xiao Hong
Xiao Hong doesn't have a surname... hmmm... well, too bad. She's cute and Chinese and that's all that matters. Garden Hills/ Dragon Forest
Merry Friedhof
Merry's a 13-year-old gravedigger who lives in a mausoleum. Isn't that awesome?! Garden Hills/ Dragon Forest
Dante Nerezza
He's got style, baby. He looks more Japanese than Italian, but it's okay, because let me reiterate: he's got style. Garden Hills/ Dragon Forest
Nerissa Mandella
Main character! She will cause destruction XD Her abs scare me even though I drew them. Psychedelia
Shanelle Arisa
One of Nerissa's adversaries. She's very obviously evil and has deformed arms. o_o Sorry! Psychedelia
Antir Khain
Disgustingly ugly and badly done drawing of this desert-dwelling chick with ice magic. This story that doesn't have a title at the moment
Antir Khain again
A much better, IMHO, drawing of Antir ^_^() Although the other people I'm collaborating on the story with liked the first design better O_O You guys are on CRACK, BTW. Same story without a name
Faren Gray
My chara; a very inconspicuous magic/tech student ^_^ Bresby Institute of Higher Academics
Minerva Starling
The chaotically evil (but in a really nice way) Pink Pixy with the element of water! Another Unnamed Story Thing
Waverly Clinomite
The also-nicely-evil Orange Pixy with the element of light! My chara ^_^ The Same Other Unnamed Story Thing

Kore wa MISUTAA KIPPAA desu.  Anoko wa ichiban da.

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