Stormspinner 2
Winter Stormspinner. And FYI, I HATE HATE HATE this picture. Well, actually, from the shoulders down it looks all right, but I HATE HATE HATE the way I drew her whole head. I liked it when I first made it, otherwise I wouldn't have drawn it that way, but now I HATE HATE HATE it.
Stormspinner 3
It's kind of a nice picture... except for her misshapen head and the sucky background... but other than that...
Winter's adorable li'l sis at 8 years of age. And I still haven't decide how "Chlaia" should be pronounced...
'Tis Winter looking happy for, currently, the only time ;o She's with her boyfriend Aestus, who is very disproportionate in this piccle. I hate the way I shaded her hair. Just so you know.
Okay Picture
It's amnesiac Winter (who thinks her name is Snow) with Aestus in human/elf disguise and Jonathon, the doctor dude who rescued her. Yes, her hair is darker in the thumbnail than in the actual picture-- that's because I decided her hair was too light and fixed it but then I realised that a lot more than just that sucked so I redid almost the whole thing...
Kayoe Picture
Here they are again looking far more acceptable. I only did colouring and minor redrawing to Snow and Aestus, but the only part of Jonathon that isn't brand new is his hair (which I recoloured anway) XD
Ai Ling, Mr. Kipper, and Panda
Look at the title ;o I drew Ai Ling and panda in History, Mr. Kipper in precal, then I inked it in Latin. So it's an educational drawing. I worked very hard painting it but I forgot how pandas are coloured on their bodies and that's why the panda looks all creepish there ;o
Here is Potassium (nickname Kae), half of the main characters in Sibling Rivalry!
Platinum, nicknamed Petey. Hooray. And I haven't.. err, figured out how she'll escape from the rather umm... dead... position she occupies in the "After" picture if you look at Original > Recent ^^()()() Oh yeah, and her weapon needs a groovy name.
Do I Annoy You?
It's Jonathon! Isn't he so cuuute??? My favourite part of this picture is the mug... closely followed by the bad posture.
Edge of Eternity
Winter drawn as a faerie with her sword, the Chasmblade. I worked really hard on this picture and I think it came out pretty well ^_^ (If you disagree, you know where to send the hate mail!) One mooooore thing... Before you complain about nudity NOTHING IS SHOWING!!
Cesium Tien Kon
She's a Chinese alchemist!!! I wish I didn't give her a lab coat but I partially make up by colouring it orange.
Fun in the Sun
Here are Snow, Jonathon, Parcival, and Aestus at da beach XD They all have a five-inch height difference on the way up. And Parcival is this knight dude who hangs out with Jonathon, in case you didn't know who he was, which you most likely didn't. Yeah.
The Salt
Salt Card!! Return to your power confine! SALT!! This is wot I would look like if I were a Clow Card XD The colouring's not that great because I did this whole thing at school where I had only four of my coloured pencils with me but was too impatient to wait until I got home to finish it O_o
It's the back of someone's head who has curly purple hair and a green bow. It could be Ligeia from the Poe tale of the same name, in which case this might count as fan art (from Poe is just as bad as from Tolkien!), only she doesn't strike me as the hairbow type.
Jonathon Rovnev
Jonathon with his shiny hair! We should all let Jonathon set a positive hair care example for us.
Frederick the Great
...well okay. It's Frederick the Great, King of Prussia during the 1700s... but the only thing WRONGER than fan art from Poe or Tolkien is fan art from history. Anyway I'm sure he didn't look much like this, but he WAS just as well dressed as this... so... yeah... (Frederick the Great is COOL!) I had fun colouring this picture.
Aestus Veranel
Psycho mix of Aestus with his big sharp weapon thing that I decided to name "Aesma"! Like Frederick up there, it's a very shiny picture. I like shiny things.
It's 25% of the Quarter Knights, a special unit under Aestus's command. This is the Wind Knight ^__^
Cole Slaughter
The leader of the Quarter Knights who uses ice magic! *grin happiness smile*
Ana Rovnev
Jonathon is 20, and this is his 22-year-old half-sister, Ana, with a ridiculously overcomplicated background XD When I was first telling Slimu who it was, I said "You know Jonathon?" and he said "yeah..." and then had a thought that this was him in drag *kyohohohohohohohoho* ...of course *ahem* that would mean that Jonathon is actually a woman and the other drawings are HER in drag.
The third of the Quarter Knights. This dude uses earth magic. Yaaay. I'd put this next to the first two Q.K.s, but except I actually wouldn't.
Heirate Mich!
It's me and Yoshi with Brad Swaile!!!! *_* There was a reason I drew this picture, other than to further the physical evidence of my Brad Swaile obsession, but I forgot what it was.
I got a haircut, so I drew a picture of myself with it! =D I'm wearing clothing that I actually own in real life, unlike the broccoli shirt. If anyone knows where I can get a broccoli shirt, I'll give them a present.
Dirty Commies
It's me and Hans as Chinese communists!!! XD! I'm dressed as a member of the Chinese women's army (don't they have cute uniforms?) and he's just a generic communist. ^_^
Parrot. A creepy chick. I was inspired to draw her after staring at the eyes of a macaw at the pet shop @_@ There's also a non-faded version without a BG.
Tinsel Bielke
A little drawing I never finished of my character in a sim that's mostly dead. She's a vampire, but she doesn't have fangs, but she does have a Navi T-shirt and pieces of wheat in her hair ^_^!! I drew this like in February or something, but I just now decided to actually put it up.
Fretful Drawing
It's me and Dear Brad cosplaying as Mousse and Quatre, respectively ^_^ I drew this and sent it to him with my fan letter. And the reason it's fretful is because I fretted about whether it was good enough or not. Because I was nervous about the letter. Next, please.
Fourth and final Quarter Knight! ^_^ He's Oshun and uses sea magic. I coloured him to look like a rotting drowned corpse. Is it me, or did each Q.K. get a progressively more bizarre BG?
It's a rather absently coloured piccle of Parrot's magical giant flying Betta fish! Actually it's kind of a portrait of Nelson, my aunt's fish, but NO. It's PARROT'S fish, and his name is Hohenzollern, not Nelson. Yaaay!

Kore wa MISUTAA KIPPAA desu.  Anoko wa ichiban da.

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