Kageri Kirameki
Meki-Meki-chan the Mink, whose picture still doesn't suck.
Party Mink
Kirameki is going to a party, wearing shoes she has stolen from Sailor Neptune, acquired by mugging the named.
Pretty Mink
Kana say "ki ra me ki" because dat is being her name. I did NOT copy this out of a Ranma ½ book, I merely used one as REFERENCE *huff* Cos I love the way Rumiko-sama draws, that's why!
Brave Fencer Kirameki
Why is picture called such a thing? I do not know, I have never played the game, and there's no way anyone could fence with a sword that Comically Huge© anyway.
Professor Frodis
Kirameki's split personality. She switches personas when whacked on da head. I like mad scientists...
Meki and Zyi (a kitty) dressed as playboy bunnies ^^()()() Well, I was inspired by Ranma's... interesting duel with Mousse in vol. 4 of the manga... and the idea of a cat and a mink wearing artificial bunny ears amused me to no end.
Long Hair and Beat Girl
Saundra Phrotus Thorkelson (hard "T"), ready to hand out punishment instead of assuming the good old foetal position as per normal.
Vincente Pezzovetro
Fruit bat mafia cellist. I know it's wrong for him to have arms AND wings (just as I do for Pence further down), but trench coats just don't look right if you're putting wings through them unless the trench coat is sleeveless, which isn't at all classy, and Vincente's all about the class.
Lin Araneas
A melancholy former courtesan (unwilling). I drew this picture while I was watching Batman and it was the episode where the two mob bosses are having a fight and the one mob boss's brother is a priest.
Here is Lin feelin' a bit happier ^_^ FYI, lin is "flax" in Norwegian and araneas is latin for "spiderwebs."
The Angel of Night-- Lin's mech, my first and currently only mech, that doesn't even look at all like a mech, and the left arm is deformed so don't look at it. The arm, that is. Well, you could look at the blade, but not the arm itself.
Winter Leafglider
I really like the name "Winter"... here is Winter Leafglider, is ditzy fighter-gymnast created for a sim at which I had loads of fun for a whole week.... after which the webmaster shut it down. Curse you, Froders.
My Redwall avatar, a blue-haired stoat/ermine ^_^
Twine Mizell
Da female lead of Terra Firma with the power of the Sun and a shiny jacket ^_^
Lotus Xiao-Yu
A Chinese elf from Terra Firma. *grin* I asked my Latin teacher whose first language is Chinese how you say "sexy elf" in Chinese but he told me how to say "cute ghost" >:o
Pence Sylle
Calligrapher bat from Terra Firma. I originally decided on it being a fruit bat because those are generally more attractive, but since I did give it a short face it can be a vampire bat :D! I like bats!!!
Catalyne Mizell
Catalyne is pronounced the same as "Catalina," it's just spelled fancy ;o She's Twine's mum and is a prophetess. I pinched Han-chan's clouds for the BG! But I guess it's not really pinching since I asked him if I could do it first...
Moyoc Oyatzin
Here is a semi-villain demi-human of Terra Firma, sporting three golden reptilian eyes and an occupation as Lotus's part-time boyfriend. His given name is "Oyatzin" although it comes second.
Lotus and Oyatzin
Romantic sketch of the two in my English journal ^_^
Winter Stormspinner
The good part of this piccle is the FANTASTIC BACKGROUND scanned from beautiful wrapping paper ^_^ The hair is passable. The rest can go..
There's nothing really good about this picture except the fact that it's of Iris, who's cool. I should have done her ponytail thing the way I did the top of her head, but with coloured pencils, you can't go back ;o
Professor Phrotus
Mad scientist alter-ego, hooray! One of the first pictures I made in PSP 6.0
A full-body portrait. I didn't mean for it to look like she doesn't wear anything under the lab coat and her bangs make it look like she has really weird eyelashes and I should have done a transparency effect with the smoke stuff, but those are all my comments.
Sexy Phrotu
A sketch of Phrotus in which you can see that she has fangs XD I think this is drawn on the back of a geography test, but I've forgotten.
Dark Reaction
Sailor Chloroplast performing the second half of her ultimate attack (the first part being "Light Reaction"). I may do something worthwhile with this someday but for now, look at the bad scan. I'm thinking Sailor Chloropast is to Phrotus as Chibiusa-chan is to Black Lady.
An embodiment of death from a novel that never happened. Before she became Death her name was Astyr. *creepy grin*
Lady Crise
A young swordswoman. She went down and challenged the Goblin Queen Moribu and here's the initial result ;o (along with some random doodles) Crise is a character in Sibling Rivalry, my original manga.
Platinum from Sibling Rivalry.
...and Platinum from Sibling Rivalry! Mwahahahahahaha. You'll have to tell me, upon viewing this, whether you belong to the school of people whose reaction is "you are weird and scary" or the school reacting with "grooooovy".
Goblin Princess Moritu! One of my first non-sucky profile pics. Ignore the extraneous drawings and they will go away.

Kore wa MISUTAA KIPPAA desu.  Anoko wa ichiban da.

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