![](thumbs/falco.jpg) | Falco OMG THE FIRST CG I ever made and shared with other people. I added the black outlines on it later because I for some reason thought that if I made it look like I always did black outlines, people wouldn't realise I had started scanning ink drawings. I don't have the original version of this anymore. It had a green background. Star Fox 64 |
![](thumbs/katt.jpg) | Katt SECOND PUBLIC CG EVARR omg. I'm not sure whether my total gun-ignorance is more amusing, or the fact that I was willing to share this with other people considering the way the gun looks and didn't think finding a reference was worth my time. I was a weird kid. Star Fox 64 |
![](thumbs/katt2.jpg) | Katt again With changed face, gun, and of course the black outlines. It's still bad. Even back then I don't think I had the illusion that I'd made a huge improvement. Star Fox 64 |
![](thumbs/crazyape.jpg) | Crazy Ape Third shared CG. By the way, I drew these in the first place because there was some Star Fox fan art up on a site and I was like "I MUST WIN ACCOLADES!" Only I didn't know that word back then, I don't think. This was the only of my early works that achieved any measure of popularity. <3 Star Fox 64 |
![](thumbs/billyboy.jpg) | Billy Boy Bill's head. I'd almost begun to grasp that whole "shading" concept. Star Fox 64 |
![](thumbs/slippy.jpg) | Slippy Slippy's so cute and aggravating. Anyway, I didn't know how to do very much with PSP back then, and this was part of the learning process. Star Fox 64 |
![](thumbs/babyfox.jpg) | Baby Star Fox [unfinished] You know, I honestly do not remember ever drawing this, but I guess I must have since nobody else in my family drew it and it was on my hard drive. Star Fox 64 |
![](thumbs/pepp.jpg) | Peppy Peppy has gun bubbles!!!11 I don't really know why. I thought they were neat. Peppy has a nice coat. Star Fox 64 |
![](thumbs/wolfo.jpg) | Wolf O'Donnel The Star Wolf team all has kind of weird surnames. Like, they don't seem to fit. Hm. GUN BUBBLES Star Fox 64 |
![](thumbs/yearbk.jpg) | Yearbook I didn't know how to use PSP. This shouldn't be put up as "art" since there's nothing about this that I made. Aside from typing in the captions. Why did I *make* this? Super Mario/ The Monkees / Star Fox |
![](thumbs/yoshead.jpg) | Yoshi I do not know why I drew this. I guess it's sort of cute. Super Mario |
![](thumbs/wendy_o.jpg) | Wendy O. Koopa I drew this when I was six!!! Wendy O. was my favourite, because she was a girl. Probably my best work, this. Super Mario |
![](thumbs/rainy.jpg) | Rainy I do not know why I gave it that filename, but I did. A CG drawing of Peter Tork in the Rainbow Room, I guess. Or just with a psychedelic background. Quite old; first drawing ever posted in Silla's Cafe. Monkees |
![](thumbs/panic.jpg) | Panic I think this was the first thing I scanned... I used the scanner at school, because I hadn't got one. It's an illustration for that SF64 fanfic I wrote. A Stone Drag. Star Fox 64 |
![](thumbs/sillykat.jpg) | Silly Katt Also scanned at school; it's really ugly, although I worked really hard on it. I practiced drawing it quite a few times, you know? o_o In the end I was happy with how it looked... I don't know at what point I actually realised that it wasn't good. Star Fox 64 |
![](thumbs/sillyfox.jpg) | Silly Fox SCHOOL SCANNED BWA. I used to replace my black outlines with navy blue because I thought it looked cool, and then I wouldn't have to worry about transparent giffing. *headscratch* Star Fox 64 |
![](thumbs/fara2.jpg) | Fara Wonder why this wasn't called "Silly Fara," I seem to have had a theme with this batch of scannéd. I also wonder why I drew a picture of Fara when I had no idea what she looked like. (I knew she was a fox, and that she was a girl.) Star Fox 64 |
![](thumbs/terrorist.jpg) | Terrorist The feet are so deformed that they're kinda cute. I actually drew them that way on purpose, though. *headscratch* Anyway, this was a commission and one of the first things I made in PSP.. .... 4.0. Yeah. (The versions are blurring) LA of CA |
![](thumbs/pretty.jpg) | Pretty I'd discovered Brighten and textures in PSP 4. It's an illustration for my first SF64 fanfic; meant to be Katt's ship flying over Zoness. I don't know how the window is reflecting the sun when it's facing the opposite way... Star Fox 64 / original |
![](thumbs/coversh1.jpg) | Cover Sheet A cover sheet. For that fanfic. Star Fox 64 |
![](thumbs/stonedrag.jpg) | A Stone Drag A sort of thesis illustration for the Stone Drag fanfic. It's the logo, only it hasn't got the BG or text that I put on the final version. Why'd I save it this way? Star Fox 64 |
![](thumbs/ross.jpg) | Ross Black This dude had seen the picture I drew of Silla and Landis dressed up as pirates at the SF64 and asked me to draw him, so I did (thought I did not have a scanner yet [a friend had scanned Silla], I don't think). I drew this and it's not good, so he didn't like it. Well, whatever. Star Fox 64 Sim |
![](thumbs/sam.jpg) | Sam Gamgee More Tolkien fan art yargh. Actually, this is quite a bit older than the other one, but I don't remember exactly how.... well, a lot of old stuff is coming up (scanned by a friend once, months before I had a scanner of my own). Lord of the Rings |
![](thumbs/monkeeslogo.jpg) | Monkees Logo The Monkees and their logo. o_o Monkees |
![](thumbs/season1monkees.jpg) | First Season Monkees The Monkees 1966-style. Monkees |
![](thumbs/season2monkees.jpg) | Second Season Monkees The second season of the TV show was better, because Davy cut his hair and Micky let his hair grow. Monkees |
![](thumbs/pronto.jpg) | Indian Chief Pronto Peter dressed this way in a second season ep, though the yellow and brown flower painted on his cheek didn't look like a horrible growth, and he also actually looked cute. Monkees |
![](thumbs/peter_profile.jpg) | Peter Profile We were just supposed to draw a random profile in my sculpture class, but I made mine into Peter. Monkees |
![](thumbs/kattpose.jpg) | Katt Pose It would appear to be Katt posing. I was all with the gradient fills. *headscratch* Star Fox 64 |
![](thumbs/arwing.jpg) | Rain Mirage Supposedly modified Arwing of Saundra P. Thorkelson. I used a ruler to make a sketch of an Arwing from an illustration in NP and then did pattern fills with some weird thing I made with smudge tool... I'd just discovered pattern fills and smudge tool. Star Fox 64 |
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